Did You Know That?

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being bullied.

There are strong correlations between bullying, depression and substance use.
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adolescents reported
being bullied electronically
in the last year

Bullying is a civil and human rights issue impacting all youth and their ability to learn.


of those who report
being bullied at school also
report alcohol use and


of those who report
being bullied at school
report marijuana use.

Our mission

is to address bullying and mitigate the negative mental health outcomes for adolescents who exhibit bullying behavior, adolescents who are targeted, and those who witness bullying behavior. Every adolescent has the right to feel safe, valued and respected at school, at home, and online.

The Student Assistance Services Corporation (SAS) Adolescent Counseling and
Bullying Prevention Resource Center is the first of its kind in Westchester County, NY to provide:

Direct support and solutions to parents,

adolescents, educators, and community members who seek advice on how to best resolve a bullying situation.

Individual assistance

will be available for adolescents who have been targeted/bullied, AND who have targeted/bullied others,
and adolescents who are anxious or depressed from involvement in bullying situations.


for parents, educators, community organizations.

For help, information or to make a referral

All calls or emails will be answered within 24 hours and on the next business day.

Contact Us